Work Smart or Start Smart

AAUW’s Start Smart and Work Smart programs are designed to empower women and men of color with the skills and confidence to successfully negotiate their salary and benefits packages. By learning strategies and practicing effective language, participants gain valuable skills they can use throughout their lives — well beyond their next negotiation.

Work Smart is now available online — for free! This workshop designed for those already in the work force demonstrates how to negotiate for better salary and promotion. Learn how to lesson the pay gap for women and for men of color. Share this as broadly as possible.

Work Smart as a class is an interactive workshop that teaches you to evaluate, negotiate, and articulate your worth confidently in the job market. AAUW’s expert facilitators lead discussions on the gender pay gap and its personal effects, while small group activities and role-play exercises give you the opportunity to create and perfect your persuasive salary pitches. You learn objective research and benchmarking skills to establish an equitable target salary, whether you are Striving for a promotion, Asking for a raise, or Negotiating a new salary.

AAUW has research available including the latest Simple Truth  update. Or, you can read the Spanish version  Pura-Verdad-Spanish-Spring-2017.

Virtual Start Smart workshop may be scheduled on your College’s Campus. Check with the College.

Start Smart workshops are specifically designed for college students about to enter the job market. New Mexico has trainers available for virtual workshops throughout the state. Contact your local campus for further information. According to AAUW’s research, women one year out of college are paid only 82 percent of what their male counterparts receive. By using the skills taught in this workshop, you are prepared to Negotiate your starting salary and narrow the gap early, Improve your lifelong earning potential, Articulate your value, Build confidence in your negotiation style, and Sharpen your budgeting skills.

